Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Serve the Lord, 1 Samuel 3:1

Meanwhile, the boy Samuel served the Lord by assisting Eli.” (1 Samuel 3:1, NLT).


Christian lingo can be a funny thing. The words and phrases we use can lose their meaning over time. They can sound profound, significant and important, but what do they really mean?
One such phrase is: “Serve the Lord.” Since I was in Sunday School as a boy, I have known on one level or another I needed to “Serve the Lord.” Haven’t you??? I don’t know about you, but this phrase elicits pictures of people like: Billy Graham, Mother Theresa or a guy in a priestly collared black shirt. Unfortunately, the phrase has lacked clarity and I dismiss it because I don’t see myself like that…
That said, 1 Samuel 3:1 says, “The boy Samuel served the Lord by assisting Eli” (NLT). The NIV translates it, “The boy Samuel ministered before the Lord under Eli.” This puts a whole new twist on serving and ministering to the Lord. This verse gives me a much different image and connects serving the Lord and serving someone else. Therefore, I must begin asking: Who has the Lord put me under? How can I serve that person? How does assisting them actually minister to God?
The story of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10) gives me a concrete example of serving the Lord. At the heart of serving the Lord is considering “others as better than” myself and the need to “look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others” (Phil 2:3-4). Also, Matthew 25:31- 46 tells me, “Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.” These passages help me practically serve the Lord. Are you serving the Lord? Or are you serving yourself?

Father, help me to grasp the reality that serving others is serving You. Redefine ministry and servant-hood in my life. Reveal those in need who I can assist. Help me to honor those over me. In Jesus name, AMEN.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent thoughts Todd..Allow me to suggest one little tiny addition to what you said...Samuel was just being Samuel...He apparently knew what his job responsibilities were and he went about doing them. He didn't try to be Eli's son's. He didn't get get caught up in all the shady stuff going on in the temple that most like he knew about...He wasn't trying to impress anybody. Wasn't looking for attention or recognition. He was just being Samuel...He was HAPPY being Samuel...

    How many of us, myself certainly included, have wanted to be more than we were prepared to be? How many of us want to be just like the Jones'. How many of us think it's entirely unfair to be "stuck" in our present situation and complain and complain in order to try and do something...anything...else...

    Paul said much later that he had "learned to be content in every situation he found himself in.....Perhaps we don't know what HE knows and the situation we find ourselves in is the perfect opportunity for God to do something great and mighty in our lives and perhaps more importantly, as you suggested, in the lives of others. Perhaps instead of looking for that elusive "greener pastures" we should stop and thank God for the place we find ourselves in and look for unusual opportunities to excel at being US and to be used by Him for His glory...

    Paul said he had "learned" to be content. Perhaps experience in life is something that teaches us to be appreciative for the opportunities that come upon us that we never saw coming our way and repentant for the chances we had and missed while we trying to be someone else.
