Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Secret of the Kingdom

He replied, ‘You are permitted to understand the secret of the Kingdom of God” (Mark 4:11, NLT).

Jesus shares three truths: 1. Believers are permitted to understand the secret of the Kingdom of God. God wants us to understand (not be confused or miss out on) the wonderful things He has freely given us (1 Corinthians 2). 2. The parable of the Farmer and the Soils is key to understanding all the parables. 3. The closer we listen and study these parables the more understanding will be given to us. Each time we carefully observe a parable, the Spirit leads us into more understanding.
Jesus tells the parable of the Farmer and the Soils to help us understand the Kingdom of God. The Farmer is anyone who shares the Truth of the Word with someone else. The seed is the Truth. And the soil is descriptive of how the Truth is received by the hearer.
In this parable four possible results (soils) are shared. The “Footpath” represents those who “hear the message, only to have Satan come at once and take it away” (Mark 4:15). The “Rocky Soil” represents those who “receive it with joy.” However, they quickly fall away because of persecution and problems because they do not have deep roots. Next, is the “Thorny Soil.” These hear God’s Word but the Truth gets quickly “crowded out” by the worries of this world, lures of wealth and the desires for other things. Lastly, the “Good Soil” are those who both hear and accept God’s word. The Truth produces a harvest in this soil… 30 – 60 – 100 fold.
So, “pay close attention to what you hear. The closer you listen, the more understanding you will be given… and you will receive even more” (Mark 4:24, NLT).

Father, thank You for permitting me to understand the secret of your Kingdom. Holy Spirit guide me into all truth and keep my heart open. May I be good soil for the seed of the Word. In Jesus name, AMEN.

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