Thursday, January 21, 2010

Eagerly Awaiting

But we who live by the Spirit eagerly wait to receive by faith the righteousness God has promised to us” (Galatians 5:5, NLT).

In Galatians, what does it mean to “live by” the Spirit? It means to trust in, rely on and count on the Holy Spirit. It is in contrast to trusting in and counting on our ourselves. Paul states it this way, “If you are counting on circumcision… If you are trying to find favor with God… If you are trying to make yourselves right with God by keeping the law” in comparison to “we who live by (count on, rely on and trust in) the Spirit.”
What are we relying on and counting on the Holy Spirit to do in our lives? We believe that He is applying the righteousness of God into our lives. Practically speaking, this means that the Spirit is applying all that Christ has accomplished and all that Christ IS into our daily life. The attitude and actions of Christ… His love, joy, patience, self-control… is being gradually poured into me. So my behavior is being molded and transformed by the Spirit… not my best intentioned self improvement projects.
Why do we have to “wait”? Now that’s a good question… On the one hand I “eagerly” desire to act like Christ. But on the other, I am bound to the gradual, lingering… waiting… as the Holy Spirit works Christ into me. Honestly, I’m not sure exactly why God decided to work it this way. Perhaps because it causes me to daily draw near to Him for all I need. So, while I wait, I daily draw near thanking Him for all He has promised. Today, I “eagerly wait to receive by faith the righteousness of God.” How about you?

Father, thank You for the promise of the Holy Spirit. I patiently trust that the attitude and actions of Christ are being applied into my life. Holy Spirit lead me. Continue to give me the desires that produce the fruit of the Spirit. In Jesus name, AMEN.

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