Thursday, October 22, 2009

Staying Focused

Even when you are chased by those who seek to kill you, your life is safe in the care of the Lord your God, secure in his treasure pouch! But the lives of your enemies will disappear like stones shot from a sling” (1 Samuel 25:29, NLT)!

Have you ever been repaid “evil for good” (25:21)? How do you respond when someone offends, disrespects or dishonors you? What do you do when someone insults you?
David’s response to Nabal was, “Get your swords” (25:13)! He said, “A lot of good it did to help this fellow. We protected his flocks… But he has repaid me evil for good. May God strike me and kill me if even one man of his household is still alive tomorrow morning” (25:21-22)! David’s plan was murderous. He planned to carry out vengeance.
But God sent Abigail, a woman with “good sense” (25:33) to stop David from “needless bloodshed and vengeance” (25:31). She understood that David’s rage and revengeful acts would be a blemish on his record and a staggering burden to his conscience.
Abigail encouraged David to forgive and stay focused on “fighting the Lord’s battles” (25:28) and not his own. Her counsel included: Don’t take matters into your own hands; don’t pay attention to Nabal’s foolishness and allow room for the Lord to handle your enemies.
Remember, “even when you are chased by those who seek to kill you, you life is safe in the care of the Lord your God” (25:29). Accept God’s command to forgive as you have been forgiven and “return home in peace” (25:35).

Father, thank You for sending those with godly counsel and good sense. Guard me from returning evil for evil or insult with insult. Thank You that my life is in Your care. Keep me focused on fighting Your battles and not my own. In Jesus name, AMEN.

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