Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Scapegoat or Solution

David was now in great danger because all his men were very bitter about losing their sons and daughters, and they began to talk about stoning him. David found strength in the Lord God” (1 Samuel 30:6, NLT).

David and his men were arriving home after their three day journey back from the battle field. They found their homes raided, burned to the ground and their wives and children carried off. The men wept, were very bitter and “began to talk about stoning” David. In their pain, they looked for someone to blame.
David, also suffering great loss, “found strength in God” (30:6). Instead of looking for a scapegoat, he sought a solution. David looked outside his situation to God saying, “Bring me the ephod” (30:7)! He “asked the Lord, ‘Should I chase after this band of raiders? Will I catch them?’ And the Lord told him, ‘Yes, go after them. You will surely recover everything that was taken from you’” (30:8).
So David and his men set out to recover what was lost. David led them and they found the Amalekites. The men rushed in and got back everything that was taken. “Nothing was missing: small or great, son or daughter, nor nothing else that had been taken” (30:19).
As a Kingdom-minded believer, look to God. Blaming others and finding a scapegoat never restores. It may feel good to your flesh but your family will remain divided. Take hold of the privilege of calling out to God. Find strength in Him. He restores. He redeems. He ransoms. Hallelujah!

Father, guard me from blaming others in the midst of my pain. Help me find strength in You. I trust that You will restore what the enemy has stolen. Remind me to look to You for solutions not to others for scapegoats. In Jesus name, AMEN.


  1. So many times we men return home from doing something we think of as worthwhile, be it our job, church, or some other worthwhile project (just like David and his men), only to find maybe, just maybe that we didn't take care of things at home like we should. Our families may not be gone but at the very least they are out of touch. So being the men that we are we try to fix it ourselves instead of seeking the strength and wisdom to remedy our home situation thru our Heavenly Father. LORD help use to seek your strength like David when we encounter problems at home, work, and with our Family.

  2. You said it Larry, pride is the downfall of all men (in one way or another). I can trace every conflict or personal struggle I've ever had back to pride. I think that pride, in a negative context, is the opposite of humility in that humility is simply an honest assessment of one's self (via Dr. Cooper), and pride is an over-estimation of one's self. Obviously I'm not talking about school pride, or being proud of your country, family, team, church, etc. Just self. Father give me humility - eyes to see what I really am; but Father give me also vision to see the man you've created me to become.
